


Pat Toy  E-mail:

The Membership Committee shall in the first quarter of each fiscal year conduct a membership drive, accept and transfer to the Treasurer dues collected, and maintain a list of names along with the physical and e-mail addresses of members in good standing.

Additionally, the Membership Committee:

  • Develops and updates list of the names and physical and electronic addresses of neighborhood residents and organizations
  • Provides the e-mail addresses of current members to chair of the Communications Committee for use in distribution of information to the membership
  • Prepares in print and electronic formats information about the association, inviting neighborhood residents and organizations to join the association and those already members to continue membership
  • Distributes the information/invitation in print format to the physical addresses of neighborhood residents and organizations and requests the Communications Committee to distribute the material in electronic format to current members and to those on the e-mail distribution list
  • Collects yearly membership fees (dues)
  • Maintains an accurate cumulative record of residents and associations that have paid membership dues for the current year and the amount each has paid
  • Transfers the payments and a copy of the record to the Treasurer
  • Records, when so notified, by whom and what dues were paid electronically to the Treasurer
  • Keeps a cumulative record of current year membership dues paid
  • Monitors those who attend general membership meeting(s) to assure that only dues-paying members are allowed to vote

Committee Meeting

The Membership Committee meets predominantly in the month or two before the start of the membership drive and about two times during the rest of the year.